"Dan jgnlah kamu bersikap lemah dan jgnlah [pula] kamu bersedih hati padahal kamulah orang2 yg plg tinggi [darjatnya] jika kamu org2 yg beriman." [Aali-Imran:139]
.hahha~ i'm just created this blog to share my 'storie-morie' bout what i feel+anything,.[tiade kaitan antare yg idop ataupon yg dah xder,okeyh!]
n the most important is i want 2 gain my knowledge[bout what??]tntg agame+info2 bergune untuk kmajuan diri n scare xlangsung mncari keredhaan Ilahi,.InyaAllah~.
.thanks 4 visiting!!.
kaifa haluka?kaifa haluki? [qiela? sehat x??] hum,alhmdulillah bersyukur sangat maseh diberi kekuatan untuk meneruskan kehidupan.
truthfully,ana rase sangat takot. [why??] becoz pasni ana sudah maw blaja balex!! nebes3. haha. tapi, inshaAllah boleh.
p/s: doakan aqiela nih,dapat buat yg terbaex mase belajar nanti. byk jugak lahh,contact sisters+sahabat2 mintak advices mereka+beri ana semangat semule untuk capai citer2 ana.
before this,mmg rase down giler[hanye Allah yg tahu] tapi tapi dan tapi lagi ana bersemangat semula untuk capai citer2 ana,sebab sebab n sebab ana yakin Allah ade perancangan yang lebih baik untuk ana.[betol kannn??] LA TAHAF WA LA TAHZAN,INNALLAH HA MA ANA. InshaAllah~
because of that, untuk cheer up balex,diri nih, ana post lagu nih untuk tatapan sumer. [specially,untuk diri ana. dont be sad! Allah always be with you]. Yang penting, Never EverGive Up!!
Here it is..............
Goose’sDream /ASwan’sDream
I have a dream,
Even if I’m thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart
I have a dream as precious as gem
If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient
I would wait just for that day.
As you always worry,
You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There’s the reality that we can’t turn back already
Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together
Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together
Yes I, I have a dream
I believe in that dream.
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate.
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together
InshaAllah,under Allah's will,one day Aqiela nih,will reach her dreams. Doctor Aqiela soon to be~ ameen.
Moge all the readers pon,dapat capai your own goals as me one fine day. Aja Aja Fighting!!May Allah bless~
hai!hai!hai! Assalamualaikum wbt. Ahlan wa sahlan wa marhaban bikum to all readers.
Untuk pengetahuan sume,ana telah men'join'kan diri ke program HIMEGA11.[dah tau lahh,qiela!!] haha :D nak citer gak. so,many people were gathered there,esp SPM LEAVERS. kire meriah lahh,this event! plus it was held in IIUM. Mmg GAH habiss!! so,utk mengeratkan lagi ukhwah antare kami; peserta himega11, all competitors were divided into some groups. [ni ana citer pasai sahibah ja. sahabat punye citer ana xtau. bianne]
okies,skrg ana nak story pulak pasal group ana>>KUMPULAN 9 aka K9[hehe~mcm title anime kat cartoon network tuhh]
ahli group ana ade 10 orang including me ya. mereke nih asal drp negeri2 yg doq ada kat Malaysie nih lahh. ade dari johor[ana sorang ja] dari zon timur> kelantan+terengganu. dari utara> penang+kedah. Alhamdulillah,dapat jugak ana kenal sahibah2 drp negeri lain. akak2 fasi kater,'xkenal,maka ta'aruf'. so,bermule lahh,sesi ta'aruf antare kami sume. masing2 mgunekan bahase malaysie+loghat masing2. really funny+enjoyable!! ana yg doq johor nih pong rase seronok bile antunna sume cakap. ade lahh,pnggunaan tatabahasa+frasa yg mnarik yg buatkan kami xkering gusi bile dengar!!
ni antare note yg ana dapat mase ta'aruf tuh. [really sorry,coz im not a good one in ta'aruf sgale bagai. hehe~ buktinye,ana hingat nickname antunna jep. tapi xpe. InshaAllah, our friendship remains unchanged n this ukwah will blooms forever.]
1. sa'adah kedah mari
2. aina dari terengganu
3. syakirah terengganu juge
4. ummu aiman same lahh.
5. nadhirah nih mek kelate
6. aimi org kelantan meh.
7. tasnim org selangor. dekat ja. nih laa our leader![psst! pasai pa,dye jdix leader? pasai nim slalu ilang. so,lantix die,nt xilang lahh.hehe~]jgn mare ea,nim.
8. anis nih dari penang
9. asma' kelate gop.
sa'adah ajaq kami sume cakap kedah,ayat die' ulaq melingkaq atah pagaq'. means 'ular melingkar atas pagar'. macam2 sbutan yg kluar dari mulut kami. haha~sweet moment!! tu belom lagi dgn cekgu nadhirah dari kelantan!! aiman+syakirah+aina+aimi yg speaking ganu!!! memang happening habiss~
mmandangkan kami tinggal dalam bilik yg same D1.5 Mahallah Maryam[tasnim+anis jep D1.6,tapi sebelah bilik ja,xlahh jaoh mane]so,kami troskan berta'aruf.[rase mcm kiter dah lame kenal,then jumpe balex dlm prgram himega. SubhanaAllah,so sweet!] n bercerite dan teros becerite. n something made me wanna cry,when ana bace surah al-mulk dgn aina b4 tidoq[rase mcm kt dormING1,rinduuuuu!!]
kami dapat 3orang sister!! kak aishah sidek n kak aishah salleh[dari ktd aka kolej terbaik dunie] n kak asiah nordin[uia kuantan-3rd year in medic. bakal doctor nihh] mcm2 kitorang tanye pade akak2 nih ttg ape?? ttg ipt semestinye!! n InshaAllah,ape yg dikongsikan tuh,kami dpt hingat+apply nanti.
mmg lumrah kehidupan,' when there are hellos,there are goodbyes'. so,kami pong amex lahh pic kenangan. papepon,knowing them is the best thing i ever had!! sayang antunna sume kerane Allah.
n i wanna say this : special kamsamnida to maryam eswan,nadiah+najwa nasir,shazwani ridzwan, n of course salmah rabun.
trimas sebab same2 belajar; belajar untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk kemajuan diri n ummah. trimas juge kerane anda sume mengajak saye sertai program nih. Alhamdulillah. dapat jumpe kgkawan lame+baru. may Allah bless~
nih die kumpulan 9. saranghaeyo!!
kaq asiah ku sayangss!
aimi n aina
qila+kak asiah
sume maseh penat,sbab baru smpai di uia
we're ISKANDAR0610!!
last pic together
Antare keindahan2 yg terdapat di UIA nih.......
perjalanan dari mahallah maryam ke kaed uia took almost a half an hour.
di sini kami solat berjemaah
bangunan pentadbiran di uia
sepanjang perjalanan di uia
de view of IIUM
di kulliyah og engineering
That's all.,harap antunna sume[my groupmates]xlupe hikayat yg telah kiter same2 gubah+corak di UIA. jgn luper keep in touch dgn ana ye!! Syg antunna fillah.
Assalamualaikum wbt, n salam sejahtera kpd readers yg sudi brkunjung ke sini.[terharu lahhh!!]
post kali nih,ana nak cite kat hangpa suma,ape yg ana dpt spanjang program himega berlangsung. [point penting yg tertulis di notebook ana.hehhe~] jom check-it-out!
program himega11 nih,namaq sebenaq dia HIJRAH MENARA GADING 2011. was held in IIUM.[first time,mencemar duli ke uia!!felt happy+wonderful!!rase mcm dah jadik siswi uia ja. aminn] hehe~ kagum+speechless dbuatnye. SubhanaAllah. kami[peserta himega11 dari johoq]selamat smpai ke uia,around 5am. masih mamai lagi tuhh,tapi bilaq tgk bngunan uia yg tersergam indah+alunan bacaan Al-Quran...tercelik mata!!after had performed our subuh prayer+took a bath at the mosque,we lead to kaed auditorium uia,utk pendaftaran lahh.
n the rest is history~
himega 2011 nih sebenaqnya nak membawa peserta2 mlayari bahtera kehidupan kampus sbg seorang mahasiswa.Tema diberi>> 'NURTURING ALIM MUJAHID' or yg senang nak paham lahh,means'KEARAH PEMBENTUKAN 'ALIM MUJAHID'. InshaAllah~
what is 'Alim'?? n what is 'Mujahid'??[tu dia!! sapa tau,habaq mai cepat!!hehe~]
[psst!nih na share nih] 'Alim ialah orang yg menguasai bidang ilmu. Mujahid pulak ialah orang yg bersungguh2 bekerja utk deen Allah.[paham daq??]
seorang mahasiswa Muslim 2 perlu ade matlamat utk jadi seorang 'Alim Mujahid,supaye ape?????
supaye Allah redha dgn kiter. Supaye Allah redha dgn ksibukkan kiter bekerje utk deenNya. Supaye Allah redha dgn usehe kiter. Supaya Allah beri ganjaran Jannah pde kiter.[haa,da paham lahh,alhmdulillah]
okeh,ape pulak ciri2 yg kiter perlu ade utk jadik seorang yg 'Alim Mujahid??
moh kiter tgk ciri2nye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1. Aqidah yg sejahtera
2. Jernih kefahaman Islam
3. Akademik yg cemerlang
4. Aktif berdakwah
5. Kerjaya dijadikan medium utk smpaikan Islam
so,the most important is......[cehh,'skaep'ing]<<actually speaking lahh :D .......sbg seorang mahasiswa,mnuntot ilmu jadik perkara no1 but....TARBIAH(Didikan Islam) xpernah jadik no2!!
as a conclusion,xde pmisah antare Akademik n Tarbiah. both must go+come along together. seiring n sejalan~ tarbiah jadik tunggak penting dlm mncorakkan pncapaian akademik kiter.
kater2 dari Sheikh Mustapha Masyhur:' Tarbiah bukan sgale2nye,tapiiiiiiiiii segale2nye dapat diraih dgn tarbiah'
antare slot2 yg ana paling suke adelah slot 'Mahasiswa Mukmin Cemerlang' n' Cemerlang Akademik & Dinamik'
'Mahasiswa Mukmin Cemerlang'telah disampaikan oleh Puan Noraini Ismail. Graduated from United States[cant remember the university,sorry].Got PhD in Nuclear Physics. Awesome!!!Sharing her xperiences when study abroad+how she'd adapt the culture there+how 2 compete with 'al-kafirun'+some valuable tips of studying+etc[fyi,she's one of the best students in her university. cool rite??]
ana still remembered what had she said to us,'' ape yg paling penting skali ialah u kene semangat!!! buat something(belajar) mesti semangat+ enjoy it!! n buat something tuhh,biarlahh kerane Allah!!!
she also added,"konsep kejayaan akademik ialah KEJAYAAN DI TANGAN ALLAH."
''Being an overseas' student isnt easy,''she said. ''sometimes u cannot understand what the lecturer said. What i did is,if it's really hard to understand,i just hafal jep ape yg i xfaham tuhh. InshaAllah,i yakin KEJAYAAN DI TANGAN TUHAN." And of course,she got mumtaz,dengan izinNya n kalahkan mat saleh2 tuh sume. Beliau berjaye buktikan orang m'sie+ISLAM mampu bersaing dgn those al-kafirun. Allahuakhbar!!
next,slot 'Cemerlang Akademik & Dinamik'bersame Dr. Azizan bin Ahmad. he's the best!![hehe~bukan ape,care penyampaian die menarix + tertarix ^_^]
same as Madam Noraini said,'' kiter kene rase enjoy bile kiter belajar."
Ape yg dikongsikan oleh beliau adelah konsep cemerlang menurut Al-Quran iaitu>>
Meanings: "Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and shield us from the torment of the Fire!"[Al-Baqarah: 201]
He also added, Abdullah Ibnu Mas'ud:Yg berilmu bukanlah mereka yg banyak menghafal hadis,tetapi yg berilmu ialah mereka yg takut kepada Allah.
ramai lahh jugak yg burst into tears when he showed us some videos yg menyentuh ati dan perasaan.kisah seorang OKU-Muslim di pakistan yg hilang kedue belah tgnnye,hanye mgunekan kaki utk mlakukan sesuatu. tapi die still boleh mlakukan tugas harian dgn tabah. boleh lagi beribadah kpd Allah Yang Esa. tapi berbeza skali dgn manusie yg cukup sifat,masih xmahu beriman+beribadah kpd Allah. Ya Allah!hebat sungguh semangat beliau. boleh klik sini kalau nak tengok video tu [nak jugak kongsi dgn readers. biaq pakat ramai nangish.hehe~ tapiiiii seriuss sedeh bile tgk!insaf] n lagi satu video nasyid by Ahmed Bukhatir: Forgive me. [tengok ye ^_^]
macam2 idea+kata2 nasihat lagi membine yg ana dpt from this programme. Alhamdulillah,Allah permudahkan ana memahami ape yg disampaikan oleh speakers yg berucap penuh semangat khas untok kami; peserta himega11. Moge ape yg disampaikn dpt dimanfaatkan oleh sume[terutamenye tuan punye blog nih ha] InshaAllah~
cerite pasai majlis perasmian n penutup himega. Awesome!!!! mmg speechless biler tgk. gimik yg mmg.......[WaAAAAaaaaa!!!!] merentas benue tuhh. dgn MC yg baguih[speaking london tuh. bravo Bro Ameen Misran,anda mmg MC yg ber'kaki' lebar means berkaliber lahh] Alhamdulillah,brothers+sisters berjaye buat kami peserta himega terpaku melihat ke'kreatif'an anda!!! 2 thumbs' up!! hands down!!bravooo~
so,dipersilekann melihat+menonton hasil karya mereke. credit to Raja Muhd 'Azman n Umar Muhajir.
yg nih pule theme song for himega 2011. [p/s: peserte2 himega11 telah me'nasyeed'kan lagu 'ISLAM CINTA KEADILAN' dgn penuh semangat+bertenage!! kasi pecah itu sume cermin+lampu di audotarium kaed uia.hehe~ sorry guys. hiperbola jaa.]
ahaa!! inilah para peserta sahibah yg telah dipilih oleh Allah[alhmdulillah] untk menyertai HIMEGA11. ramai kann?? xsempat nak kenal semue.
aperpon,ana harap ape yg telah kiter perolehi dalam program nih,kiter same2 kongsikan dgn rakan2 yg xdpt same2 hadir. Moge ia menjadi satu pendorong+batu loncatan kepade kiter semue ke arah mencapai mardoutillah. n sgale ilmu yg kiter dpt,mampu kiter apply di ipt kelak. InshaAllah~
kepade rakan2 yg xdpt same2 follow this event,dont be sad. sebab,Allah ade perancangan yg lebih baik utk kiter. JazakaAllahuhairan kathirah. May Allah bless us~